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Preset Feature Feedback
Status Needs review
Categories New feature
Created by Daniel Watania
Created on Oct 9, 2024

Disable the 'Save' and 'Run in SQL Lab' menu for Viewer users

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish?

Users with the Viewer role can view dashboards, access the chart, and make modifications to the chart. However, they will not be able to save nor run the query in SQL Lab, as they do not have access to perform such an action.

How are they solving it currently?

Inform the Viewer users about this limitation, or use the Dashboard Viewer role instead.

What is the recommended solution by the Customer?

Disable the Save and Run in SQL Lab menu for Viewer users.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Dec 18, 2024

    This is challenging for our users as well. If the option to save permalink is provided, but an error is thrown, it really confuses them as it implies that they have some limited write access as well. Also technically, Viewers do have limited write access already by adapting a chart to their own needs, updating it and then copying the URL. Unlike for admins, the view seems to be persisted for viewers when copying and re-entering the URL. If this functionality is also taken away as it was not intended as per the RBAC, it would really be helpful if another role could be added in between the Viewer and Limited Contributor Role which allows for basic dataset exploration and saving charts (without being able to create virtual datasets or dashboards).

  • Guest
    Oct 11, 2024

    Talking about user-centric interface:

    Ideally, "Edit Chart Properties" will be renamed "Chart Properties", as they still provide useful information to the viewer, and the "Save" option will be removed from the properties window.


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