What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish?
Customers will like to have access to their Preset metadata to create custom charts and visualizations without being limited to the visualizations in the Admin dashboard
How are they solving it currently?
The Admin dashboard provide some visibility to Usage metrics.
What is the recommended solution by the Customer?
Expose the usage metadata directly to the customer for them to query.
[NOTE] To help us better track the different requests that are related to this one, please also review the following:
User Auditing (https://preset.ideas.aha.io/ideas/PROD-I-3174) - Track user events across dashboard creation, viewing, and editing for security reasons or auditing.
Usage Metrics for Core BI (This feature currently exists under the Enterprise Plan) - Prove the value of your BI tool to executive stakeholders and see what your top used charts and dashboards are.
Query Runtime Logging (https://preset.ideas.aha.io/ideas/PROD-I-3399) - Know which queries / charts / dashboards are taking a long time to load to optimize your audience experience.
Embedded Analytics (https://preset.ideas.aha.io/ideas/PROD-I-3397) - Understand the value and engagement you are generating from your Embedded experience with metrics on users and dashboards.