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Preset Feature Feedback
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Categories New feature
Created by Sophie You
Created on Jun 15, 2022

User Audit of Product Actions

  1. What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish?

    1. Customer would like to know who viewed or edited what dashboard, chart, or query for security or auditing reasons.

    2. Other audit logging includes who logged in the most, downloaded CSVs/images, etc

  • Attach files
  • Customer Engagement
    Oct 19, 2023

    This is live! You can find out more information about this feature here:

  • +33

Adoption Analysis under Usage Metrics

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Customer Engagement about 2 years ago in  1 Shipped

Give Admins Metadata / Usage Data to Query On Their Own

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? Customers will like to have access to their Preset metadata to create custom charts and visualizations without being limited to the visualizations in the Admin dashboard Ho...
Sunny Xu almost 3 years ago in New feature 0 Shipped