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Preset Feature Feedback
Status Gathering Feedback
Categories Enhancement
Created by Vitor Avila
Created on Mar 2, 2022

Add tooltip for calculated columns when they are used for filtering Charts

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish?

Customers are able to create calculated columns on their Datasets to achieve their visualization needs. When a calculated column is added to a GROUP BY setting, a tooltip (?) is displayed next to its name and hovering it displays the column logic:

However, the (?) icon is not available when this column is added on the filtering configuration, so the user can't easily identify the column logic:

How are they solving it currently?

Users can hover over the column name in the Columns list (on the left sidebar) to find its logic.

What is the recommended solution by the Customer?

Implement the tooltip feature for calculated columns added on the filter settings.

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