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Preset Feature Feedback
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Categories Enhancement
Created by Jess Dillard
Created on Dec 7, 2021

Improved chart customization

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish?

Customers need enhanced chart customization options (custom color schemes, label formatting, etc.) so they can align the Charts layout with their company's brand and create presentation-ready charts.

How are they solving it currently?

They are currently using the customizations/color schemes available on the product.

What is the recommended solution by the Customer?

Provide the ability to configure/create custom color schemes, labels, etc.

  • Attach files
  • Alex Lauderbaugh
    May 12, 2022

    Hello. We are starting work on this entire feature set starting with chart colors. We will continue to add additional functionality such as fonts, labels, units, etc.

  • +18

Pie Chart labels cut off

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Sayya Dushanbieva over 2 years ago in Enhancement 0 Gathering Feedback