What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish?
The end user wants better feedback from the API when exporting dashboards to PDFs. Specifically, when the file generation is still in progress, the current status code (404) is misleading and makes it challenging to distinguish between an actual error and a file that is still being generated.
How are they solving it currently?
The customer implemented a retry mechanism to handle the 404 responses, checking periodically until the file becomes available. While this approach works, it is not ideal as it introduces uncertainty about the true state of the request.
What is the recommended solution by the Customer?
The customer suggests introducing a more informative API response during file generation. For instance:
A different status code (e.g., 202 Accepted) to indicate that the file is being processed.
A response payload providing context, such as "File is being generated" or an estimated progress update.