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Preset Feature Feedback
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Created by Sunny Xu
Created on Sep 6, 2022

Impersonate or Mirror Data Warehouse User Permissions

  1. What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish?

    1. Many customers have already set up permissions for individual users in their Data Warehouse (GCP, Snowflake). It would be scalable if these user permissions directly translated in Preset, without having to re-set permission or access controls in Preset.

  2. How are they solving it currently?

    1. Data access roles.

  3. What is the recommended solution by the Customer?

    1. There's a gap that needs to be filled with some type of direct integration with a data warehouse. Currently Preset connects to data warehouses using a single user. It would be great if users in Preset and the ones in the Data Warehouse are integrated so Preset can impersonate that user's Data Warehouse permissions.

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