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Preset Feature Feedback

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Showing 848 of 848

Ability to hide the Resource Center "?" button

Users would like to ability to hide/minimize the "?" button for the Resource Center. They display Preset data on screens and wanted to prevent any confusion among the viewers.
Sayya Dushanbieva over 2 years ago in Enhancement 1 Gathering Feedback

Allow creating and storing personal Jinja macros for re-use

It would be useful to have some way to save Jinja macros, and to be able to call them from datasets. If I'm correct, this is possible when self-hosting Superset, macros can be defined within one file and they can be called from Superset. This can ...
Marko Stefanovic over 1 year ago in Enhancement 0 Needs review

Create a new function to disable the chart instant update on control edit

1) What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? Chart Creator is trying to edit the chart without the changes instantly applied to the chart. 2) How are they solving it currently? This is not possible at the moment. 3...
Daniel Watania over 1 year ago in New feature 0 Needs review

Improve SQL syntax highlight and validation for calculated columns and metrics

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? When creating new calculated columns and metrics on the dataset, users would like to have improved autocomplete functionality (for column names, etc) and better syntax high...
Vítor Ávila over 2 years ago in Enhancement 0 Gathering Feedback

Select the color for different labels in the stacked bar chart

Right now, colors are set by default. This means that if I have categories like 'TERMINATED' and 'SUCCESS' I can't make one green and one red (instead the color may be reversed).
Guest over 2 years ago in Enhancement 0 Gathering Feedback

Implement Mobile support for Embedded Dashboards

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? Users would like to embed Preset Dashboards on their apps/sites and support mobile access to their end users. How are they solving it currently? Embedded is currently not o...
Vítor Ávila over 2 years ago in New feature 0 Gathering Feedback

Time filter option for `Last 24 hours`

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? User is looking to have the options available for them to choose from How are they solving it currently? Using Advanced option, user can manually type the ranges they want ...
Customer Engagement over 1 year ago in  0 Needs review

Improve Time Filter flow

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? With the release of Non Temporal Axis additional steps is required to apply time filter How are they solving it currently? Apply the filter with additional clicks/steps Wha...
Customer Engagement over 1 year ago in  0 Needs review

Ability to set up the default X-Axis column when creating the dataset

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? With the enablement of Non Temporal Axis the default timestamp column has been moved and user has to make additional steps to choose the column for X-Axis How are they solv...
Customer Engagement over 1 year ago in  0 Needs review

Map / visualize permissions per user

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? For each user, admins would like to see all the data and permissions that they have access to so to verify a user has the right permissions How are they solving it currentl...
Sunny Xu over 2 years ago in New feature 0 Gathering Feedback