Title case (The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog) vs. sentence case (The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog) in menu items, field labels, etc. is inconsistent throughout the product. Capitalization guidelines exist for the product: htt...
Jess Dillard
about 3 years ago
in Enhancement
In Discussion
Some menus include icons next to menu labels (first attachment) and some do not (second attachment). Icon usage in a menu should be intentional (draw the eye to commonly accessed menu items when a menu is long).
Jess Dillard
about 3 years ago
in Enhancement
In Discussion
Inconsistent relationship between primary and secondary buttons
When used together, some primary buttons appear to the left of the secondary button, others appear to the right. Primary button should be placed to the right of the secondary button.
Jess Dillard
about 3 years ago
in Enhancement
Gathering Feedback
No consistency when communicating something is disabled or inaccessible to the user (sometimes disabled, sometimes accessible but produces error, sometimes not shown).
Jess Dillard
about 3 years ago
in Enhancement
Gathering Feedback
In import modals (dashboard, chart, database, dataset, etc.), button can open file picker directly instead of opening modal, then requiring the user to click "Select file" button.
Jess Dillard
about 3 years ago
in Enhancement
Gathering Feedback
There is currently a lot of underutilized space in the manager workspace tiles (only displays name, icon, and time created). Opportunity to include more information about a workspace to help users select the correct one (e.g. team members, how man...
Jess Dillard
about 3 years ago
in New feature
Gathering Feedback
Problem to be solved: Users with non-admin roles experience more frequent errors in areas where they don’t have full permissions. Setting up data roles doesn’t align with how users are using dashboards. Proposed Solution: Audit current experience ...
Nik Pai
almost 3 years ago
Gathering Feedback