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Preset Feature Feedback

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Share an Alert or Report via link

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? Large organizations usually have multiple alerts and reports configured. It's not possible to share the URL to access an alert/report's configuration, so collaboration is d...
Vitor Avila over 1 year ago in New feature 0 Needs review

Provide information about dataset sync failures for the dbt integration

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? The dbt Cloud sync creates a job in the background to sync models as datasets to Preset. Customers have no visibility into the progress, errors, etc. How are they solving i...
Vitor Avila over 1 year ago in New feature 0 Needs review

Parameters from SQL Lab should be automatically added to the virtual dataset

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? It's possible to define parameters in SQL Lab to execute queries. When saving these queries as a dataset, the parameters defined aren't automatically added to the dataset p...
Vitor Avila over 1 year ago in New feature 0 Needs review

Implement progress indicator for CSV Uploads

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? When importing a large CSV file (>15MB), the operation might take a couple of minutes and currently there's no indication of progress. How are they solving it currently?...
Vitor Avila almost 2 years ago in New feature 0 Needs review

Cross Filter on World Map

Preset's current world map chart is not customizable enough. The desired outcome is to be able to cross filter by clicking on a country and filter the rest of the dashboard on that country. It would also be nice to have a very customizable tool tip
Sunny Xu about 2 years ago in New feature 0 Needs review

add two factor authentication options to superset

After the Ticketmaster/Snowflake attacks adding two factor is becoming more important when large amounts of data can be exported. There are other ideas floating out there to limit those damages, but the first is to try and lock the front door a bi...
Guest 5 months ago in New feature 0 Needs review

Option to disable Copy a Dashboard Element to Permalink

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? Right now there is no way to disable the link that pops up on the dashboard elements (Tabs, Headers, etc.). Because. these links do not work in embedded dashboards (nor sho...
Daniel Watania over 1 year ago in New feature 0 Needs review

Provide the ability to disable the animation for Time Comparison Lines

1) What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? The Business End User is having difficulty reading the Time Comparison Lines with the Rich Tooltip enabled, as all the lines were animated to be thicker/highlighted. 2) ...
Daniel Watania almost 2 years ago in New feature 0 Needs review

Add more information about the Chart (used for Alert or Report)

What problem or goal is the end user trying to solve or accomplish? When a user tries to delete a chart, it could fail with an unclear error message. This issue could happen when the chart was used for an Alert or Report. How are they solving it c...
Daniel Watania over 1 year ago in New feature 0 Needs review

Link To A Dashboard By Clicking on a Chart

In a similar way to how you can add hyperlinks to tables to link to other dashboards add the ability to use other chart types as the link. The goal is to have an intuitive way to drill into views of data by different metrics. Currently this is bei...
Juliann Forbes almost 2 years ago in New feature 0 Needs review