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Preset Feature Feedback


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custom histogram numeric range [ID-68]

In Histograms, users currently can select the number of bins but not the ranges of the bins. Request: allow users to customize the bins into equal sizes (ie 0-15,16-30, 31-45).
Sunny Xu almost 3 years ago in Enhancement 0 In Discussion

Provide More Examples for Number Formatting D3

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? Be able to easily decipher the D3 number formatting options without having to interpret the D3 symbolization and add more options for D3 How are they solving it currently? ...
Sunny Xu almost 3 years ago in Enhancement 0 Gathering Feedback

Reorder Table Columns

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? User wants to order the columns of a table visualization. How are they solving it currently? The current ordering is fixed based on the “Group by” fields all displayed befo...
Sunny Xu almost 3 years ago in Enhancement 0 Gathering Feedback

Filter Tooltip for Time Grain and Time Range

Time Grain and Time Range are confusing filter terms for new users. It would be nice to have a tooltip to distinguish the two
Sunny Xu almost 2 years ago in Enhancement 0 Needs review

Display map boundaries more clear with Charts

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? When using Charts (for example, the Polygon Chart), map boundaries can be difficult to visualize. How are they solving it currently? There isn't a workaround at the...
Vitor Avila almost 3 years ago in Enhancement 0 Gathering Feedback

Re-position Charts based on location Filters applied on a Dashboard

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? The filtering functionality is very useful for Dashboards, including the ones composed by Charts (in this case, it's common to filter by regions/location). However,...
Vitor Avila almost 3 years ago in Enhancement 0 Gathering Feedback

Increase Scatter Plot row limit

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? Users want to create Scatter Plots based on more than 50000 rows. How are they solving it currently? This is currently not possible. What is the recommended solution by the...
Vitor Avila almost 2 years ago in Enhancement 0 Needs review

Easy Sharing

How do we make it easier for users to share content with people they are collaborating with? Share links to runs of SQL without having to rerun Share charts without the user having to rerun to see results Other?
Sophie You about 3 years ago in Enhancement 0 Gathering Feedback

Create Virtual Dataset the same way Physical ones are created

Currently people can create Virtual datasets only by clicking explore from SQL lab or editing a physical dataset by changing the source.It would be intuitive to also be able to create them the same way physical ones are currently created, via the ...
Daniel Wegmann about 3 years ago in Enhancement 0 Gathering Feedback

Resize legends

Users would like to resize legends to make them larger or smaller.
Sunny Xu about 2 years ago in Enhancement 1 Needs review