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Preset Feature Feedback
Status Needs review
Categories Enhancement
Created by Mallory Reese-Bagley
Created on Apr 24, 2024

Be able to send Slack alerts to specific slack channels (rather than all alerts to one channel)

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish?

Send alerts to one specific channel in Slack. This would be valuable because not all teams need to be spammed on every alert across the company. This results in alerting fatigue and alerts just get ignored. Sending alerts to specific Slack channels would allow us to put the alerts in front of the teams who actually care about individual specific alerts.

How are they solving it currently?

No option to do this. All Preset alerts have to be sent to the same Slack channel.

What is the recommended solution by the Customer?
Allow us to configure alerts to be sent to specific Slack channels -- another vendor we use (hightouch) allows us to do this and it's pretty slick. Here is their documentation:

  • Attach files