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Preset Feature Feedback
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Created by Sayya Dushanbieva
Created on Sep 13, 2022

Ability to join tables w/o writing SQL

The average user that visualizes data should be able to join tables from a source without having to write SQL. They want a less-technical approach (e.g., dragging functionality) to achieve their goals, mentioning Tableau's 'Join Your Data' as a user-friendly example that enables users of all backgrounds to do joins without writing SQL.

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  • Matthew Deadman
    Feb 12, 2023

    Adding a comment to +1 this.

    This imo should be seen as a critical feature, not even for the ease of use this would grant, but for performance reasons.

    When you create a virtual dataset, and begin to play around with your filters and certain other properties in the chart editor, it will treat the virtual dataset as a sub-query, meaning possibly far worse query performance than a physical dataset.

    This for example, makes dimensional modeling far less performant in Preset, as to do a simple join on a fact and dim table, you are losing a ton of optimizations you get with a physical dataset.

    By allowing users to join physical datasets together in the chart editor, you could alleviate this issue, as well as make working with data for less technical users far more accessible.

  • +6

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