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Preset Feature Feedback
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Categories New feature
Created by Vitor Avila
Created on Jan 26, 2022

Ability to change the column used on Group By in the Dashboard Filter

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish?

Users would like to have the ability to change the column used on the group by clause directly through the Dashboard Filters.

How are they solving it currently?

It is possible to achieve this using Jinja Templating, but it is not easy neither intuitive to implement.

What is the recommended solution by the Customer?

Provide the ability to change the column used on the group by clause from the Dashboard Filters.

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  • Mallory Reese-Bagley
    Dec 27, 2022

    This would be super valuable and reduce the need to create numerous permutations of charts (an alternative if you don't want to do Jinja voodo magic). Would be happy to provide feedback as to how I've seen this done in other BI platforms.

  • +2