Add The Ability to Add Call-Outs / Warnings to a Dashboard
Currently users are limited to using the headers and text boxes to share warnings with users. Adding the ability to add colored boxes containing warnings or call outs would enable users to add more information to a dashboard and emphasize certain ...
Juliann Forbes
almost 2 years ago
in New feature
Needs review
What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? Customers would like to have a dry run option in the CLI so that you can simulate running, and it will tell you what's gonna happen and if anything is incorrect
Sunny Xu
almost 2 years ago
in New feature
Needs review
What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? When loading a dashboard, Superset sends one request per chart to fetch the data. Since modern browsers have a limitation to perform up to 6 parallel requests at a time to ...
Vítor Ávila
about 2 years ago
in New feature
Needs review
Preset documentation is very limited, which makes it hard to know how to successfully implement Preset, best practices to adopt, and solutions to follow (how to show YoY). They wished to learn about other companies use cases and experiences.
Sayya Dushanbieva
about 2 years ago
in New feature
Needs review
Allow admins to limit dataset creation to certain users
Problem: Creating datasets requires a much more advanced set of skills and a deeper understanding of the data than just building charts and dashboards off of approved data sets does. In Preset you either are a “viewer” and can’t create anything OR...
Mallory Reese-Bagley
over 1 year ago
in New feature
Needs review