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Preset Feature Feedback
Status Already exists
Categories New feature
Created by Sunny Xu
Created on Dec 3, 2021

Scalably Add and Update Annotations via a Table

It would be great if annotations can be created from a table of timeseries data instead of only via API calls.

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish?

    1. Annotations can be used to overlay a history of events that explain the trends visible on a time series chart. Having annotations be dynamically updatable allows end users to have context automatically.

  1. How are they solving it currently?

    1. Currently, annotations are created via API calls, which is resulting in some ceilings and limitations

  2. What is the recommended solution by the Customer?

    1. If annotations can be created by a table, then the table will automatically update via ETL tools without the usage of the Preset API system.

  • Attach files
  • Customer Engagement
    Sep 22, 2022

    You can add annotations via a table today. First create a table chart powered by a Google Sheet or a Database table:

    Intervals Table

    This chart will be used to list all intervals:

    Events Table

    Similar to the previous chart, now we’ll filter for event_type = 'Event':

    Now, let’s add this data as Annotation Layers to a Chart - I’ll be using a Line Chart created with the Vehicle Sales example data.

    When configuring my Annotation Layer, I’ll select Table as the Annotation Source, and then find the table chart I have just created.

    This is the configuration for the Interval Annotation Layer:

    This the configuration for the Event Annotation Layer:

    This is the final result:

  • +1