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Preset Feature Feedback


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Ability to remove the chart title from a dashboard

A user wants to be able to remove the chart title from a dashboard. This will prevent clutter and create a more visually appealing layout.
Sayya Dushanbieva over 2 years ago in Enhancement 0 Gathering Feedback

Discovery problem with datasets

It is difficult to distinguish which datasets are blessed/verified (might contain answers to many questions) vs. created by somebody as part of a chart creation flow (only answers a specific question). A slightly different way of organizing datase...
Sayya Dushanbieva over 2 years ago in Enhancement 0 Gathering Feedback

Edit Chart SQL from Dashboard View

The process of making changes to an existing chart from dashboard is cumbersome and requires too many steps. It would be helpful to have the SQL Lab to be more prominent in the chart creation flow, so that a creator can see the query and data at t...
Sayya Dushanbieva over 2 years ago in Enhancement 0 Gathering Feedback

Allow non-owners to view the virtual dataset's SQL query

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? Non-owners can't view the SQL query powering a virtual dataset. How are they solving it currently? They have to create a chart and check the generated SQL query to view the...
Vítor Ávila almost 2 years ago in Enhancement 0 Needs review

Restrict connection a Database on a Workspace Level

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? For security reasons, customers would like to be able to create a Private Link connection between Preset <> their VPC on AWS, and also limit which of their Workspaces...
Vítor Ávila over 2 years ago in Enhancement 0 Gathering Feedback

Improve the average calculation on Charts for integer columns

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? When configuring a metric on a Chart, users are able to use the AVG aggregation: However, if the column used is an integer, the calculated average will also be an integer. ...
Vítor Ávila almost 3 years ago in Enhancement 0 Gathering Feedback

Ability to control the Secondary Y Axis title position

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? It's not possible to configure the title position for the secondary Y Axis title. How are they solving it currently? N/A. What is the recommended solution by the customer? ...
Vítor Ávila almost 2 years ago in Enhancement 0 Needs review

Allow Alerts to Monitor Multiple Columns

Currently alerts are limited to selecting one column to compare to. In the case that the user wants to monitor multiple columns across the same parameters they currently have to create multiple alerts, a heavier workflow.
Juliann Forbes almost 2 years ago in Enhancement 0 Needs review

Actual Difference Line Chart Capability

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? Customer would like the ability to chart the difference between 2 line series charts. For example, data for 2 countries charted as 2 lines - the variance would be another l...
Tharuman Thavakumar almost 3 years ago in Enhancement 0 Gathering Feedback

Grey Out the Columns Which Cannot Be Filtered Via Cross Filtering

Currently cross-filtering only applies to clicking on dimensions. It is confusing to users when it appears that a filter has been applied to the other charts when in reality no filters have been applied. Suggested solution is to 'grey out' / remov...
Juliann Forbes almost 2 years ago in Enhancement 0 Needs review