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Categories Enhancement
Created by Sunny Xu
Created on Feb 24, 2022

add a “Sort by Metric” feature in a Time-series Table viz [ID-64]

Time-Series Table currently doesn't have any sorting controls in the control panel.

Users would like to be able to customize the sort (current default is sorting by the metric)

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Time-series Table “Sort By” option

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? User wants to specify an order by column to sort the table's values How are they solving it currently? User cannot order the Timeseries table at all What is the recommended...
Sunny Xu about 3 years ago in New feature 0 Gathering Feedback

sort by in Time Series table [ID-31]

sort by in Time Series table
Sunny Xu about 3 years ago in Enhancement 0 Gathering Feedback