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Preset Feature Feedback

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Add The Ability to Add Call-Outs / Warnings to a Dashboard

Currently users are limited to using the headers and text boxes to share warnings with users. Adding the ability to add colored boxes containing warnings or call outs would enable users to add more information to a dashboard and emphasize certain ...
Juliann Forbes about 2 years ago in New feature 0 Needs review

Provide pay as you go billing

Currently, we don't have a way to easily track users who are actually editors or viewers in our product. In an ideal world, customers can pay for creator licenses based on actual usage, so that they are only charged Creator Licenses for users who ...
Sunny Xu over 2 years ago in New feature 0 Needs review

Enable Global Async queries

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? When loading a dashboard, Superset sends one request per chart to fetch the data. Since modern browsers have a limitation to perform up to 6 parallel requests at a time to ...
Vitor Avila over 2 years ago in New feature 0 Needs review

Sankey Diagram Improvements

You can't easily give Sankey dimensions, which makes it difficult for users to use. You can only provide 2 dimensions
Sunny Xu over 2 years ago in New feature 1 Needs review

Add annotation (e.g. "Good", "Bad score") to top and bottom of Y-axis

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? To have possibility to assess chart immediately: some scores might be good when they are high (e.g. Revenue), some scores are good when they are low (e.g. Risks). In some a...
Mariia 10 months ago in New feature 0 Needs review

Require Schema Choice in SQL Editor When Creating Dataset

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? Users are able to create a virtual dataset without a schema(by leaving the schema blank on the SQL editor, The virtual dataset creation picks up the schema from the SQL edi...
Sunny Xu over 1 year ago in New feature 0 Needs review

Big Number Drill Down

Implement the ability to click on a big number chart to display a table of the contributions of each of the dimensions to the big number.
Juliann Forbes over 2 years ago in Enhancement / New feature 0 Needs review

Big Number Chart in Percentage Form

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? We'd like the ability to build charts similar to the Big Number type but in a quick-glance percentage format. How are they solving it currently? We are currently without a ...
Guest 12 months ago in New feature 0 Needs review

Data entry / Input / edit table directly in Preset

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? Users would like to use Preset as project management and data entry directly into Preset charts and tables What is the recommended solution by the Customer? Be able to put ...
Sunny Xu almost 2 years ago in New feature 0 Needs review

Dry Run / Testing for CLI

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? Customers would like to have a dry run option in the CLI so that you can simulate running, and it will tell you what's gonna happen and if anything is incorrect
Sunny Xu over 2 years ago in New feature 0 Needs review