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Preset Feature Feedback


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Create a warning or indicator when adding a new user to the team for Professional Tier

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? When a Team Admin invites a user to the team, and they accept it, it will add the user to the team automatically and incur the charge to the Card immediately without any in...
Daniel Watania 11 months ago in Enhancement / New feature 0 Needs review

Receive Useful Error Messages

Error messages in the product aren’t always clear, easy to understand, and helpful in providing next steps. Audit current error messages and update error messages to be more consistent visually and more informative,, starting with the most frequen...
Nik Pai over 2 years ago in Enhancement 0 Gathering Feedback

Data Visualization Accessibility

Currently Preset isn't accessible for all users, such as those who use screen readers, rely on keyboard navigation, and/or require high contrast. There are common accessible design principals which would benefit Preset and make Preset usable in in...
Juliann Forbes over 1 year ago in Enhancement / New feature 0 Needs review

Time Filter Pre-Config - Better Performance

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? The customer would like to have a default filter set on charts that will constrain the time range to a specific range such as 'last week' or 'last month' that will auto app...
Tharuman Thavakumar over 2 years ago in Enhancement 1 Gathering Feedback

Ability to use a Metric as the Scatterplot X Axis

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? Customers would like to demonstrate distinct metrics in the Scatterplot (one as the X Axis and the other as the Y Axis). How are they solving it currently? They can use the...
Vítor Ávila 11 months ago in Enhancement 0 Needs review

Customize the Time Shift line on Charts

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? Users would like to be able to customize the line created for the Time Shift setting on Charts, such as: Setting a custom legend Choosing between a solid or dashed line. Ch...
Vítor Ávila over 2 years ago in Enhancement 0 Gathering Feedback

stack series by metric

The stack series feature of a bar chart currently only stacks all metrics in a query. However, different metrics don't make sense to be stacked and should be stacked as a separate series.
Guest over 1 year ago in Enhancement 0 Needs review

Setting up auto-refresh intervals on dashboards

Dashboard builders want to set up refresh intervals so that dashboard viewers see the most up-to-date data. However, it's unclear what the "Auto-refresh interval" feature does (e.g., what does "this session" refer to? does this only apply to me or...
Sayya Dushanbieva almost 2 years ago in Enhancement 0 Needs review

Ability to create a dataset from a text selection

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? Users are able to run only text selection in SQL Lab. However, the Save dataset option would always take the entire query, but it's not clear in the UI. How are they solvin...
Vítor Ávila over 1 year ago in Enhancement 0 Needs review

Include more details in the Get an Alert/Report API endpoint.

What is the problem or goal the end user is trying to solve or accomplish? When requesting to list all alerts (/api/v1/report/) there are more details, for example, changed_on and created_on detail. However, the detail is not present if you run th...
Daniel Watania 12 months ago in Enhancement 0 Needs review